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A wake up call

I woke up today, recognizing the huge shift that has occurred and I felt great. I felt at peace with it. I walked to the bathroom and my partner was feeling disheartened, sad, frustration, anger towards what has happened. I came out to the living room where the kiddo was eating and he kept sighing and was quite. I asked him what was wrong and he responded:

“The energy has changed drastically.”

He was picking up the heavy energies of the mass consciousness. I knew if I was feeling it, then he must be feeling overwhelmed with it. I told him that he will be ok and that there was nothing to fear. We will be just fine.

I went to the coffee shop and all the employees were feeling saddened, disempowered, disheartened and grieving. Everyone was feeling so heavy. I dropped a huge love and light bomb in the coffee shop for everyone who comes in the door today to receive.

If you remember the energy forecast I did for this week, the theme for the week is Wisdom. Through this experience, we have received the wisdom to come together, change our thoughts patterns and intense emotions, the division mentality, and how our thoughts and words can create our reality whether good or bad.

For Monday and Tuesday, the card that came up was “Shadow” gifting you the strength to face your own darkness, your own fears, and your own shadows to bring more light within.

For Wednesday and Thursday, the energy of Chaos shows up. This card brings the gift of the deconstruction of old thoughts forms and patterns that no longer serve us. We are now called to Wake up. And I believe that’s what majority of the population is feeling today. People have been woken up by this experience. But know this, that out of chaos and destruction, something new and positive arises. And this is supported by the energy that shows up next, MaBuddha.

(Card from the Rainbow Warrior awaken deck)

The energy for the weekend came in as the card, MaBuddha. And with this card, we are being called upon to joyfully claim the divine feminine power that is already your birthright! Women, know yourself as the Goddess .It is time to step into your sovereignty and sit on your throne as the Sovereign Queen.

It is time to connect and to reignite the divine spark within you that is uniquely yours. You are the sacred vessel where heaven and earth converges within. MaBuddha says:

“Daughter, remember this. Within you, lies the power of the Divine Feminine ready to emerge.”

So what now?

  1. Remember who you are.

  2. Wake Up!

  3. Become the change you seek to create in the world.

  4. Speak your Truth and Be your Truth.

  5. Be the very thing you are asking others to do or become.

  6. Take you own advice before you advise it to other.

  7. Become the beacon of light that you are.

  8. Instead of focusing your thoughts on the things you don’t like, focus rather on the things you would like to manifest.

My light is amplified; the love within my heart is overflowing. I am a lighthouse of cosmic light and the unconditional love and light overflowing to anyone and everyone who needs it today.

Spiritual, I understood that this had to happen to help awaken people, to wake up the dreamers and to unite the people.

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